Nintendo DS Chile...

miércoles, agosto 23, 2006

Dsextreme, una nueva flash cart.

- Runs completely from the DS slot - No GBA cart required,
- No PassMe, WiFiMe, FlashMe required,
- No need for external memory,
- No additional hardware required,
- 4Gbit (512MB) of built-in onboard flash memory,
- USB Plug 'n' Play - shows as a standard drive - drag and drop,
- High-speed USB 2.0 connection (mini-B connector),
- No software/patching required,
- Hardware and firmware are fully upgradeable,
- Compatible with ALL current and future DS consoles,
- Full sized onboard EEPROM,
- Same size as a standard DS game cartridge - does NOT stick out.
- Update: 100% homebrew compatible.

Lo malo es que no es Micro SD. Sería Ideal. Por ahi vi una flash cart con micro SD que ocupaba el slot NDS.